Celebrate Fall with Pumpkin Spice and Feng Shui
The Feng Shui
Skinny on Fall
By Lia Menna Gross
As fall approaches, we can tap into the season's yin energy by slowing down and getting grounded. The natural flow of energy during this time is best for our bodies, as it comes from the earth itself.
Something feels different, right?
The sun is starting to turn in earlier. The seasonal birds are starting to appear. Stores are starting smelling like pumpkin spice and everything nice (which means fall is nearing!).
I’m gearing up to celebrate my “firsts” of the season:
First PSL
First baked, GF pumpkin bread
First carved pumpkin
First round of freshly picked apples shipped in from my mom
First viewing of Hocus Pocus 2 (The witch is back!)
These give me a rush of exhilaration! The excitement alone is worth the wait year after year.
As a mom, I can’t help but get giddy with a Jack-O-Lantern-sized grin partaking in these festivities with my son.
We’re beginning to retreat inward.
Evidence of this is seen in nature–think bears storing up before their big sleep in.
In Feng Shui, the season of fall is linked to the element of metal.
The flame of fire is dying down, pulling back into itself, just as melted metal acts to pull its contents together while hardening.
While the summer months are filled with fiery hustle and bustle, the autumn season shifts from yang to yin energy.
Give yourself permission to SLOW DOWN. It’s time to get grounded.
I know this is a tough one. It goes against the grain of what our culture has promulgated as best practices for living.
Living in alignment with the natural flow of energy is best for your body ‘cause it comes from the earth and all.
Yin energy is soft and relaxed.
Embrace this within your home with rounded pumpkins and metal decor.
As energy slows down, it can pool or stagnate in cluttered areas.
Astrologically, we’ve entered Virgo season. She’s known as the healer, and guess where all healing starts?
In the home - in YOU!
This is an advantageous time for decluttering and letting go!
When we let go of the old, we allow space for the new:
New career and wealth opportunities
New habits in health
New family traditions
New sparks of romance (whether with someone new or rekindling a fading flame)
With this new energy, you’ll be inviting in a brand new roundup of “firsts”.
What possibilities are in store for you?