Creating Harmony in Every Season
A Path to
Balance in Every
Season of Life
By Lia Menna Gross
The idea of living in a space best aligned to reign in all of that good ch’i (or energy) is on your radar. You read up on it every now and again. Scroll through posts on the ‘Gram. You have a hidden Pinterest board loaded with images of homes organized to the nines, and flipping through the latest Container Store offerings has you drooling over perfectly packaged pantry contents.
You’re interested in Feng Shui.
Even while reading what’s above, you’re feeling the good vibes and start daydreaming all over again, right?
But what about reality?
Let me reintroduce myself.
I’m a recovering workaholic.
Former Type A overachieving perfectionist whose M.O. was living for the future and getting hung up on the past. I’ve traded that in for daily positive mindset hygiene.
Affirmations such as “progress over perfection” and “it’s ok to let go” are now my jam.
But above all, I’m Mama to a boy who’s been melting away the ice block around my capacity to love since showing up on the scene as a solid pink line.
My one goal?
Be a present parent.
How did I get there?
Feng Shui, baby.
Here are 3 tips to get you started:
Tip #1: Start Decluttering, the Feng Shui Way!
In the beginning days of my Feng Shui journey, I was so caught up in the appearance of my home - how “clean” and “organized” it needed to be.
This need for keeping everything together was causing a disconnect in my ability to be present with my child. So, I implemented this practice - move 27 things in my home. By “move”, I mean switch location, declutter and throw out. Doing this allowed my inner control freak to crack and slowly eroded those tendencies. This intentional practice led to less control on my part and more peace within my space.
I highly recommend participating in my One Week Decluttering Challenge to get the ch’i (that’s energy) moving within your home.
Tip #2: Practice Mindfulness
According to the Cleveland Clinic’s Healthy Brain Facts “your brain processes about 70,000 thoughts a day”. Bringing mindfulness into your home begins with Feng Shui. Become intentional when cleaning your home and decluttering (that is the Feng Shui way, after all!).
Doing so can become a ritualized practice of mindful movement calming your mind by resting your awareness on motion.
Tip #3: Use Physical Reminders
Intention is the backbone of Feng Shui living.
While intention is a thought, physical reminders are just that - physical. It’s a reminder to your brain, “Hey, this is my intention!” and keeps your actions in alignment with what it is your desiring to accomplish.
Placing your reminder in accordance with the Bagua map gives it that extra 1-2 punch by creating an association between your intention, your object and the area of life that you’re seeking to improve.
To learn more about the Bagua, check out “The Bagua Map 101”.
Shifting old patterns can be tough. But there are tools available to you. It’s just a matter of finding the one that works best for you!
If you’re ready to create a peaceful and more harmonious home environment and to embody intentional living, the opportunity to do so is at your fingertips.
Everything has its season - it’s own perfect timing. Your season is now.