Feng Shui Holiday Survival Tips
Ain’t Nothing
But A Ch’i
By Lia Menna Gross
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It's beginning to look a lot like...NOPE! Not yet!
November may have rolled in, but I refuse to bust out the holiday decor until the day after Thanksgiving because I hold onto fall for as long as I can!
Just as the tides can swiftly morph from still to stir-crazy, so can our emotions during the holiday season.
How many of you are already cringing at the thought of being cramped at a table with...your family?
Personally, it's the one time of year where I'll invite myself to the kids' table.
While every family has its perks (I'm a glass half full kinda gal), the holiday season is a great time to implement Feng Shui!
Are you ready for some good ch’i?
Here are my 3 tips for surviving the holidays - Feng Shui style:
Tip #1: Be like water.
No, not the stormy kind. The calming, babbling brook meandering down a mountainside and just goin’ with the flow. This month's Feng Shui meaning is "Li Dong" or start of winter which means the element of water is linked to the winter season.
Tip #2: Wear green.
Green is the color of family. Boost positive ch’i by incorporating this color in your outfit and holiday decor. As you’re getting ready, imagine all the laughter and fun as you commune around the table.
Tip #3: Practice gratitude.
When I first began practicing gratitude, I felt like a total cheeseball. I was a cynical extremist who believed there wasn’t a thing on the entire planet that could turn my ch’i around. But, I stuck to it. Each day, I’d write down 9 things I was grateful for. And you know what? Eventually, that cynicism began melting away. And my Grinch-like small heart grew three sizes that day.
That morphed into using a daily gratitude journal entitled Start with Gratitude. I highly suggest grabbing a copy here if you’re interested in starting your own practice. Using gratitude as an effective tool for increased happiness and curbing cases of the holiday blues is science-backed by studies from Berkeley, Harvard and more.
Energy shifts depending on how you meet it.
At the end of the day, anything and everything ain’t nothing but a ch’i thing.
If you’re feeling like the energy around you is stuck or needs some heavy lifting, contact me here.