A New Lunar New Year Vibe
Water Rabbit
Energy for 2023
By Lia Menna Gross
For centuries, humanity has looked to the external world to make sense of its existence. The ancient Chinese, of whom Feng Shui has its origins, observed and utilized the repeated cycles within nature allowing them to prosper.
Just as a fisherman tracks the tides to know when it’s best to venture out to sea, humans have taken full advantage of Mother Nature’s natural rhythm. This has afforded our ancestors the ability to know when to hunt for buffalo and when to store it. When it’s best to plant seeds and when those plants are to be harvested.
Nature’s cycles have allowed us to keep generations moving forward for centuries.
The ancient Chinese based their calendar off of this repeated cycle.
Today, it’s known as Lunar New Year.
Celebrated by most of eastern Asian, Lunar New Year takes the stage on Sunday, January 22nd, 2023.
Coinciding with the second new moon after the winter solstice, its arrival marks the start of the spring season.
The Lunar New Year ushers in the energies of the Water Rabbit.
The rabbit archetype brings with it the qualities of peace, hopefulness and luck.
Just as Mother Nature transitions from one season to another, so do we.
Each New Year, we find ourselves pondering what it is about ourselves that needs “fixing”.
At a time when we can become obsessed with the future and the desired outcome, setting resolutions on what we need to “fix” about ourselves, do not forget the real gift of a new year - a continued chance to enjoy the journey of life.
There’s nothing about you that needs fixing; you are not broken.
Society broadcasts the thought that there’s something wrong with us (thank you, social media, advertising giants, glossy magazines…).
In turn, we venture onward in search of what will make us enough. We look to makeup outlets, skincare fads, the latest design trends. Not to say these things can’t be fun and enjoyable. It’s a matter of the energy we’re showing up with. These usual suspects just don’t cut it.
In this continued craving for more, you come to the realization that in your pursuit for more, all you’ve done is attempt to drown out the cries within you, shouting, “you are incomplete.”
The truth is who you are is perfectly whole.
Know that in this moment, you are enough.
You are whole.
You are exactly where you need to be.
At yet, you are ever-changing (much like the seasons).
On the brink of a new year, instead of channeling all of your energy into resolution after resolution, I invite you to do something different, and instead, set an intention. An intention based on growth.
Start small - perhaps with my One Week Decluttering Challenge. Or go all-in with a 1:1 consultation.
Wishing you a joyful and prosperous New Year!