5 Steamy Feng Shui Tips For Love
Reignite the
Passion in Your
Love Life
By Lia Menna Gross
“I’m in love! I’m in love! And I don’t care who knows it!”
Ah, the joys of love!
You know the feeling...that can’t eat, can’t sleep, reach for the stars, over the moon, world series kinda feeling. You’re shouting from the rooftops, just like Buddy the Elf, and there ain’t nothin’ that can stifle the bounce in your step!
You kick it into full gear and then ten years later…you’re wondering what in the h-e-double- hockey-sticks you were thinking?!
Whether Cupid’s arrow has already pierced your heart or you’re still searching for someone as equally corny with a brain full of cult classic one liners to share your journey with, here’s a little Feng Shui magic to keep your love life steamy and stale-free!
5 Tips for Using Feng Shui to Find Love and Keep It Forever
Tip #1: Keep the area underneath your bed clean and free of storage
How well do you sleep at night? Like, really? If you’re constantly tossing and turning, it could be what you’re sleeping on. One client lamented that she was struggling to find a new partner. We discovered she had stored items under her bed. What did she find? Mementos from her previous marriage all tucked away. Removing this energy from her bedroom gave her the space needed for a new relationship to sweep her off her feet.
Tip #2: Have balanced nightstands
Relationships are intended to be an equal partnership. Create this symbolically within your space by using matching nightstands or those of similar size and shape. And throw in some rose quartz for self-love and harmony.
Tip #3: Include loving photos of you and your partner
If you’re not partnered up, find a small reprint of artwork that shows the love you desire like Gustav Klimt’s The Kiss or my personal favorite, two people sharing one strand of spaghetti Lady and the Tramp style because that’s amore! Hang it where you’ll see every night before drifting off to sleep.
Tip #4: Ditch electronics in the bedroom
If you’re sitting in bed scrolling through Instagram, chances are you and your partner are missing out on quality time for connection and bedroom fun. The natural buzzing of electronic devices and the blue light emanation will keep you awake, disrupt your body’s natural production of melatonin and disturb your circadian rhythm. Yep, your vital sleep patterns will be totally out of alignment. It can take some getting used to, but keeping phones (and iPads, iWatches…basically, the whole “i” family) out of the bedroom will keep those romantic juices flowing. A survey commissioned by tech business, Asurion, had a third of Americans reporting that their sex life has tanked due to phones in the bedroom.
Tip #5: Only keep things that you love
If you want the buttah, you’ve gotta decluttah!
Love, like butter, is soft, sweet and makes everything better. Decluttering, the Feng Shui way, doesn’t mean you have to live a minimalist lifestyle. It does mean that you’re committed to letting go of what you no longer feel you need, use or love.
Love is a beautiful and powerful force that can sweep us off our feet.
It takes more than just a rush of emotions to make love last.
The ancient practice of Feng Shui offers valuable insights on how to create a harmonious environment that supports healthy relationships.
By aligning the energies in our home and taking intentional actions, we can cultivate a deeper sense of love and connection with our partners.
So, whether you're a hopeless romantic or a skeptic, incorporating Feng Shui principles into your love life can help you build a strong foundation for a fulfilling and long-lasting relationship.
Have fun and let the good ch’i roll!