Have you ever felt defeated by the chaos of clutter?

A lasting transformation is easier than you think.

Enter your Feng Shui Fairy Godmother with a clear system to tackle your overwhelm, counter indecision, and reset the ch’i (energy) of your home (and life!).

We know our environment affects our mood, our lives and our overall energy.

Cluttered spaces hinder productivity, create stress, and make it difficult to find peace of mind.

Imagine waking up every day to a home filled with positive energy (ch’i)

Where every corner holds purpose and significance.

As your Feng Shui Fairy Godmother, I’m here to help you uncover the benefits of a clutter-free home and a positive life transformation with the ancient wisdom of intentional living.

Doors open in fall of 2024. Want in? 

Does this sound familiar?

  • You’re craving balance and harmony in both your living spaces and life, wishing to create an environment that supports your overall well-being.

  • You’re on a journey of personal growth, self-discovery, or transformation, and open to exploring the powerful impact of feng shui.

  • You’re an overworked mom, wife, or boss babe struggling to balance your responsibilities at home and work but you find yourself feeling stuck.

You want your home to be a peaceful haven, right?

  • Feng Shui isn’t just about arranging furniture or decluttering—it's a profound journey that combines ancient wisdom with modern principles to create an environment that nurtures you and your family’s well-being.

  • By aligning your environment with your aspirations, you'll open doors to new opportunities, invite abundance into your life, and experience an elevated sense of prosperity.

  • Through personalized guidance, a proven system and scientific research, you’ll go from hating your home to understanding how to create your own intentional sanctuary.

You're not alone in this struggle, and together, we'll redefine your space.

Overcome the daunting task of decluttering with gentle guidance.

Say goodbye to clutter and stagnant energy, and hello to good vibes and balance! 

Get ready to embrace a lifestyle that resonates with your essence, enhances your well-being, and sets you on a path to a harmonious and prosperous future.

With The Feng Shui Prescription™, you'll access the expert knowledge, proven tools, and guided support needed to unleash the full potential of your living space and the extraordinary possibilities it holds. 

Join today and allow your Feng Shui Fairy Godmother, Lia, to be your guiding light as you step into a world of transformative energy and start embracing the life you've always envisioned.

Here’s what’s included:

You'll learn the importance of Feng Shui—the ancient Chinese practice of harmonizing your environment—to create living spaces that uplift your spirit and align with your intentions.

Through gentle guidance and practical techniques, you'll have the tools you need to discover the potential of each room, optimize the flow of energy, and cultivate an atmosphere of balance and serenity.

As you embrace the principles of The Feng Shui Prescription™ and apply them, you'll discover how a thoughtfully curated home can rejuvenate your energy, and foster a sense of calm and tranquility.

Through weekly content, a companion workbook, and private Facebook group, you’ll learn a proven system and say #byebyebye to clutter while ushering in the manifesting potential of your home and all there is to intentional living.

By aligning your environment with your aspirations, you'll open doors to new opportunities, invite abundance into your life, and experience an elevated sense of prosperity and create a life filled with growth and fulfillment.

Word on the street…

  • Shawnee Rose Shawnee Rose Consulting The Feng Shui Prescription Testimonial

    "Just do it!"

    “My entire family seems less stressed and more able to relax. If you’re on the fence about joining, just do it! The work I’ve done with Lia has totally brightened my home and family.”

    Shawnee Rose, shawneeroseconsulting.com

  • Sidney DeCamella My Inner Tiger The Feng Shui Prescription Testimonial

    "It was like a cleansing of my soul!"

    “Lia’s Feng Shui course is phenomenal. It was way more than decluttering and furniture placement. It was like a cleansing of my soul! I can confidently say that for the past 5 years, all I wanted to do was move into a new home. But by the end of the program, I fell in love with my current space and I’m in no hurry to leave. The energy changed in me and my home; we are both in much more alignment with each other and everything feels lighter and less chaotic. Even my kids and husband feel the difference.”

    Sidney DeCamella, myinnertiger.com

  • Angelica Ross Angelica Ross Co The Feng Shui Prescription Testimonial

    "Do it!"

    “Do it! Lia has a wonderful gift of seeing your space and encouraging you to work toward that vision, even when you have a hard time seeing it yourself. She’s knowledgeable about so much more than Feng Shui and her gift lies in really making this concept modern and manageable for today’s busy life.”

    Angelica Ross, angelicaross.co

  • You’ve tried to declutter or organize your life before but still feel like there’s something unbalanced or missing.

  • You’ve scrolled social media and have seen influencers try to tell you a clear acrylic container will “fix” the chaos of clutter but you’re not so easily influenced.

  • You’re excited to reset the ch'i, transform your space, and witness the amazing ripple effect in your life.

This is for you if…

  • You're seeking a quick-fix solution without putting in the effort to implement The Feng Shui Prescription™ and make lasting changes in your living environment.

  • You're unwilling to let go of clutter, get introspective or make adjustments to your current living arrangements, the transformative power of Feng Shui may not resonate with you.

  • You have strong skepticism or resistance towards spiritual or energy-related practices, you may find it challenging to fully embrace the principles and techniques taught in The Feng Shui Prescription™.

This isn’t for you if…

Ready to transform your home into a haven that serves up nothing but good vibes?

Here’s what’s included and what to expect:

What’s Included:

9-Week Immersive Program

Weekly Check-Ins

Companion Workbook

Individualized Insights

Member Only Facebook Group

What to Expect:

Intention Setting

Decluttering Practice

Ch’i Enhancement

Scientific Approach


What’s Being Said

  • Danielle Zeigler SEO with Soul The Feng Shui Prescription Testimonial

    "It's a powerful process!"

    “My husband and I have been remodeling our home for years. I was feeling overwhelmed with where to start. This course gave me tools to balance my life and a process to follow making taking ANY action so much easier. It’s a powerful process! You’ll learn tools that will benefit you for life. I had so many realizations and positive outcomes like receiving a 5% raise from a client out of the blue! It’s given me a roadmap to tackle clutter with intention.”

    Danielle Zeigler, seowithsoul.com

  • Sara Armstrong Idea of You Coaching The Feng Shui Prescription Testimonial

    "It's 100% worth the effort!"

    “My home felt off in ways I couldn't quite put my finger on. I was spinning my wheels and couldn't figure out where to start. This course made things feel less overwhelming and I loved having clear instructions on what to do. It’s 100% worth the effort and Lia will walk alongside you every step.”

    Sara Armstrong, ideaofyoucoaching.com

Ready to let the good ch’i roll?!

 Frequently Asked Questions

  • This work is all about intention! Setting your intention is step one. Taking intentional action is step two. And step three is enjoying the results! If you put in the work, the results will be felt!

  • Yes! You’ll receive easy-to-follow guidance throughout the program. The information is broken down into daily, practical steps for application.

  • The Feng Shui Prescription™ gives you the tools to let go of the stories that are holding you back in order to make space for the next chapter. Since you’re the author of your own story, it’s up to you to pick up the pen and get ready for some “feng” work!

  • Yes. This program is currently for anyone who identifies as female.

  • If you’re wanting a true 1:1 experience, then a Custom Consultation may be a better fit. You can send in your inquiry here.

  • The program includes approximately 9 weeks. You can complete the at-home work at your own pace.

  • The Feng Shui Prescription™ is a unique, perspective shifting experience. It uses Lia’s proven system to get you unstuck and feeling back in love with home again!

    Clients who have used Feng Shui in the past have had new realizations and results with this program. Plus, you’ll receive a live Q&A that isn’t offered with other programs.

  • The current pricing is $1,111.

  • The Feng Shui Prescription™ isn't just about decluttering; it's about designing your dream home. Picture yourself in a space that aligns with your desires and intentions. Create a vision and let The Feng Shui Prescription™ guide you.

  • Clients who have used Feng Shui in the past have had success with this program. It’s led them to new realizations and results they didn’t experience previously.

  • Ch’i (energy) works differently for everyone. It’s all a matter of the intention you set and the intentional action that you put behind it. Some effects can be felt right away while others take time as energy blockages are removed.

  • Nope! While Feng Shui does involve the home, this is not an interior design program. If you’d like more guidance regarding this, consider scheduling a Custom Consultation here.

  • While Lia will guide you through decluttering, the Feng Shui way, this program is not geared specifically towards home organizing. You’ll find that once you’ve decluttered, it’s far easier to organize your belongings in a way that suits your individual needs. And frankly, the organizing may be done on its own by default!

  • You’ll be notified of the start date once you’re on the waitlist.

  • You’ll receive a new lesson to watch and implement each week of the program at your own pace.

  • All calls are recorded for you to access as soon as they become available.


Meet your Feng Shui Fairy Godmother, Lia Menna Gross

Certified Feng Shui Expert

Lia Menna Gross is a certified Feng Shui expert and the creator and instructor of The Feng Shui Prescription™ program.

She recognizes that each individual and living space is unique, and tailors her Feng Shui recommendations to suit specific needs, challenges, and aspirations, ensuring that participants receive personalized insights and support.

Lia has a passion for helping busy, tired, stuck, and overworked women find peace and tranquility in their homes and lives.

Still unsure if The Feng Shui Prescription is for you?

I get it. Sometimes it’s hard to pull the trigger. If you’re sitting on the fence about joining, I invite you to hop off and send me a message with your questions or concerns.

Disclaimer:  Lia Menna Gross is not a therapist or a medical doctor.   The services offered by Lia and LMG Creative, LLC are designed to increase self-awareness and self-healing on a spiritual and wellness level.  The term “Feng Shui Prescription” is used solely for your personal entertainment and enjoyment.  If you are experiencing a crisis and feel you may have a serious need or medical condition,  contact your local emergency provider or consult a physician.