How Self-Love Changes Your Life
A Feng Shui How-To on Self-Love
By Lia Menna Gross
“Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world.” - Lucille Ball
Embracing what you need most is essential in Feng Shui Living.
It’s the warm ‘n gooey ricotta that keeps your everyday life moments (those perfectly al dente gluten free lasagna sheets) from falling apart.
Well…recently, I missed the mark.
Yep, it’s true.
Doing all the “wrong things” and not staying in tune with my needs. The lasagna sheets started sliding off as I frantically tried to keep them together.
When you feel like you’re sliding through a saucy tray of lasagna, take a pause. The universe is giving you a gentle nudge that TLC is the missing ingredient in your current life.
Here’s how self-love can change your life - Feng Shui edition.
The Feng Shui Gua of Self-Love
Feng Shui uses a energetic blueprint known as a Bagua map to delineate 9 different areas of life, or guas, within your home. Click here to learn more!
Look into your home while standing in the front door.
That far right-hand corner of your home?
That’s the Relationship gua.
It’s more popularly known for its symbolic connection to your love life. But, this gua also relates to the person who fulfills the role of “mother” in the home. And, it’s the gua to turn to when seeking a proper uptick in showering yourself with a full spectrum of self-love:
Self-acceptance, self-compassion and self-care.
Accepting yourself as you are by recognizing your strengths and weaknesses without judgment is the first step towards bringing self-love into your life. Treat yourself with kindness and empathy as you would your best friend as opposed to spiraling into bouts of negative self-talk or harsh criticism. Remember, you’re only human.
Research shows that self-compassion is associated with greater emotional resilience and overall well-being.
Connect with your self-lovin’…self by spending time in this gua using these 5 Feng Shui How-Tos for Self-Love:
5 Feng Shui How-Tos for Self-Love
Tip #1 -
Practice mindfulness - Mindfulness guides us in cultivating a deeper sense of kindness and compassion with our individual selves.
Tip #2 -
Journal - Journaling how you feel is a big part of Feng Shui living. It gives you space to reflect on your experiences and process your emotions. Look for patterns. Is there a mistake that you’re constantly ruminating on? A difficult feeling that keeps popping up?
Tip #3 -
Use affirmations - Affirmations are positive statements that you repeat to yourself. Doing so aids you in staying empowered along your journey. Check out this list from Very Well Mind: 25 Self-Love Affirmations to Remind You of Your Worth.
Tip #4 -
Declutter, the Feng Shui way - Notice how your space feels. Is there anything that needs to go? Things that aren’t bringing you joy? If you’re ready to take this small step towards self-love, join my free One Week Decluttering Challenge to get the ball rolling.
Tip #5 -
Clean your Relationship gua intentionally - Cleaning with intention is another Feng Shui staple that cultivates feel-good vibes within your life. While you clean, set an intention to love and accept yourself or whatever it may be that you’re wishing to manifest into your life.
Remind Yourself Daily
When living a Feng Shui lifestyle, setting daily intentions becomes the norm. The use of intentional reminders is one of the primary ways you can continue to positively influence your mind and permeate your space with nods to the self-love that you desire.
Find one thing that symbolizes self-love to you and place it in your Relationship gua.
Do so with intention. That is the key to creating a new neural pathway within your mind and home.
When you can love yourself unconditionally, you're able to form healthy relationships with others. You're more capable of setting boundaries, expressing your desires and building genuine connections based on mutual respect and understanding.
Life is no longer one-sided but a symbiosis.
Believing in yourself and your abilities will make you more likely to pursue your goals with perseverance, and become who it is that you’re dreaming of becoming. And that kind of love is as life changing as a saucy bite of lasagna.