The Bagua Map 101
Your Home's
Blueprint (+ Printable Bagua Map!)
By Lia Menna Gross
Curious about the mysterious Bagua map and its role in Feng Shui?
If you're new to Feng Shui, you might have heard about its reputation for optimal bed placement and adding red accents to rooms.
In reality, Feng Shui goes way beyond that. It's a profound system deeply rooted in Chinese wisdom and philosophy.
At the core lies the Bagua map, an essential tool used to chart out the harmony of your home by identifying the energetic centers within it.
Now you might be wondering, “What the heck is a Bagua map?!”
The Bagua map creates a blueprint showing the centers of your home.
We call these centers “guas”.
Each gua affects a different area of your life.
There are nine areas on a Bagua map, and every gua has a corresponding shape, element, direction, number and one or more colors.
When preparing for a Feng Shui consultation, a consultant will ask for a floor plan of your home. The Bagua map is “laid” over your home’s plan.
Why is this so important?
In knowing where each energy center of your home is located in relation to your physical space, you’re able to understand your connection to each gua and pinpoint which areas of your home are energetically blocked.
With this knowledge, you’re able to take empowered action to inspire change within your home and yourself.
Let’s take a closer look at these nine energetic centers.
Understanding the nine energetic centers of the Bagua map.
Career Life & Path
This gua is more than what you do for a living.
It represents your soul’s calling! When this energy center is blocked, it’s more difficult to be in touch with your life’s purpose.
Knowledge & Self Cultivation
Knowledge isn’t just about what you know; it’s also about cultivating wisdom.
Think zen meditation space, where you’ll curl up with a good book or knowledge you’ve attained through higher education and life challenges.
The Family gua is all about, well, family! Due to its representation of the past, this gua also includes our connection to our ancestors.
If you’re concerned about having a steady stream of income for your everyday needs, this is the gua to turn to.
Wealth & Prosperity
This is your go-to for money –– but it’s not all about the Benjamins.
The Wealth & Prosperity gua represents a wealth of happiness, laughs, good food, ladies' nights - you get the picture!
It’s about anything that makes you feel prosperous!
Fame & Reputation
How do you wish to be seen in the world?
This gua enlightens you to how you’re seen by others and what you’re known for.
Picture Glinda talking to Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz, “Are you a good witch or a bad witch?”.
Building that circle of influence? The Fame gua’s got your back.
It’s no surprise that the heart of your home is the Health gua.
It radiates its energy out to each and every area of your life.
This gua represents the mind-body connection and staying healthy on these fronts: mentally, physically and emotionally.
Whether you’re in a relationship or not, this is the gua to look towards when wishing to build a solid foundation.
But it isn’t just for lovebirds - it’s about your relationships with co-workers, friends, and most importantly, the relationship you have with yourself!
Children & Creativity
This gua is connected to the kids in your life as well as your own inner child.
It’s been said that laughter is the best medicine, and this gua agrees!
If you need to cultivate more laughter or get those creative juices flowing, look to this area of your home.
Helpful People & Travel
This gua encompasses anyone and everyone who’s helpful to you!
They may be family, friends, doctors, clients…and conversely, those people that you’re helpful toward!
Been anywhere fun lately?
If you love to travel or have intentions to jet-set somewhere new, that also falls under this category.
Each gua offers unique insights and opportunities for positive change.
Incorporating the ancient wisdom of Feng Shui and utilizing the Bagua map, you can unleash the energy within your home!
By understanding the energy flow in your space, you can take empowered action to create harmony, prosperity, and well-being within your home and yourself.
Embrace the magic of you and elevate your living space with the power of the Bagua map!
Are you ready to revitalize your home?
Let’s work together! Step into the magic of the Bagua map and explore new realms of Feng Shui!
Let's embark on this enchanting journey together, transforming your abode into a harmonious sanctuary of positive energy and prosperity!