Easy Feng Shui Tips for an Everyday Mind-Body Reset
Are You Ready
Get Your
By Lia Menna Gross
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Vacay's over. The kids are in the back-to-school grind. And life comes at you faster than grandma with her cane stuck on the gas peddle.
It's during this time of year when we start hitting the internal accelerator. And important things like a good night's sleep go out the window ‘cause #hustleculture.
If you're feeling like slowing down means losing out... I've got news for you–you're not!
You're actually gaining momentum by giving yourself a moment to reset.
Feng Shui is one of the oldest schools of thought that prioritizes living in sync with the natural rhythms of nature.
In Western culture, Labor Day marks the ending of summer, the rise of cold season and the calm before the storm of holiday events to follow.
While intended as a day to recognize the improvements made by American workers, one day isn’t enough to curb the onslaught of burnout and exhaustion that follows a busy body and mind especially when chasing a tiny human around while trying to finish up a client call.
Besides, in order to be on top of your bobbing for apples game, a contender in stampeding down aisles in search of Black Friday deals and parading through your neighborhood streets belting out carols, you’re gonna need stamina!
But when we put all of our focus on our bodies (which is beautiful!), we miss out on another key element of health…our homes!
You’ve heard me say a hundred times - your home is an extension of you!
When you’re feeling like the energizer bunny, chances are your home is mimicking this same sort of vibe.
To help create a space for rest and relaxation, consider these Feng Shui tips to get yourself in a reset state of mind:
The Right Lighting
Lighting plays a pivotal role in regulating our circadian rhythm that internal clock! If you’re spending most of your evening glued to the tube, you’re sending signals to the brain that are in opposition to what your body really needs.
In order to get into the right headspace for sleep, it’s important to prime your surroundings.
Open your blinds first thing in the morning. Getting natural sunlight in your eyes first thing in the morning helps to reset your internal clock, leading to better sleep. It also pumps up serotonin levels heck, yes!
And when your eyelids start feeling heavy - don’t ignore it! That’s your cue to make your way to the bedroom.
Try to keep the artificial lighting within your home to a minimum at night. This allows your body’s natural rhythm to take over.
And when your eyelids start feeling heavy - don’t ignore it! That’s your cue to make your way to the bedroom. Closing the drapes at night is another great way to cue the receptors in your brain that it’s time for bed.
And, if you can, install dimmer switches in your main living area. This works wonders for setting the mood in your space.
Scent Matters
Scent is a natural vibe inducer. It can transport you back to grandma’s kitchen or the high school locker room.
Diffusing or smelling essential oils is a holistic way to reset the ch’i (or energy) of your space. My favorite diffuser can be found here.
Or check out my Feng Shui Crystal Bracelet & Aromatherapy Spray Duo for an intentional ch’i reset that can be used for you and your home!
Opt for uplifting tones during the day, especially if you work from home. Try something citrusy, like Sunshine and Spice from Edens Garden, for a good midday pick-me-up.
If you’re feeling you need some grounding, grab a cup of coffee - literally! Smelling coffee is linked to increased working memory and cognitive function.
To create a true nighttime oasis, use candles! The alluring combo of a flickering flame and relaxing scent are an easy Feng Shui adjustment for any space.
It’s Gotta Feel Good
Have you ever hopped into bed and said, “Ugh, it feels like I’m sleeping on sandpaper!”? Do you remember how well you slept? Maybe not because you didn’t sleep at all!
Texture is a surefire reset factor for every body because no one likes sleeping in a bed that feels icky.
Soft pima cotton…sustainable linen…organic bamboo…the best way to choose what feels good to you? Test ‘em out!
There are pros and cons to each type of fabric. Making sure that a fabric is natural and breathable is crucial.
Listen In
Sound is an easy Feng Shui reset tool for anyone. For an original Feng Shui experience, listen to Tibetan singing bowls or gongs (this one is perfect for an easy at-home sound bath for the whole family!). For a more modern take, try binaural beats to put yourself in a state of bliss.
Play it throughout the whole house and melt into your seat.
Various frequencies have different effects on the body. You can learn more about the science behind sound here.
Just as we use simple hacks to reset our bodies and spaces from go-go-go to zen den, it’s also important to take a step back and reflect on which areas of our lives need a reset in the here and now.
The easiest way to do this?
Start decluttering - the Feng Shui way!
Join my One Week Decluttering Challenge here to get your reset underway!