Nurturing Ourselves
As mothers, it's easy to forget about our own self-care and self-nurturing while tending to our families. However, neglecting our well-being becomes a depleting cycle that affects us deeply. Driven by imprints from our past and the various faces of the ego, it's essential to nurture ourselves and heal our inner child to form healthier habits and relationships.
“Why do I have so much clutter?”
By now you’ve probably heard of the phenom known as “decluttering”. You may have even stumbled upon a little known show about the “Art of Tidying Up”. Well, if you enjoyed that, you’ve got to try decluttering–the Feng Shui way!
Space Clearing: Purify Your Home
Space clearings have been used for centuries in various cultures around the globe. Each one has its own unique spin. Feng shui works to harmonize and balance the ch’i of our physical environment whether that’s your home or business.