Meet Your Feng Shui Fairy Godmother
Harness the
Power of Feng
By Lia Menna Gross
In certain cultures, the midpoint between the spring equinox and summer solstice is a time of joyful celebration. You’ll find ritual feasting, fire jumping, marriage ceremonies (or handfastings) all taking place. Bonfires burn brightly through the night, food is scattered for fairies and baskets jam-packed with May flowers are a-plenty. Today, we call this holiday, May Day.
In Feng Shui, fire represents the Fame gua (or area). It’s about how you want to be seen, your reputation, what people know you for.
This got me thinking…fire is a master reinventor.
Like Madonna.
Only hotter (temperature-wise, that is!).
Let’s break down the process of reinvention in manner we can all relate to:
Phase 1 - The Burn: You’re pulling a hot pan of cookies out of the oven and burn your wrist in the process.
Phase 2 - The Healing & Growth: Over time, a bubbling blister appears. But, under the surface, your skin is changing.
Phase 3 - The Reinvention of You: You look down from your smartphone and notice something is different. The blister’s disappeared. What’s left is beautiful, new skin.
The initial burn is always a shocker.
No one’s jumping for joy at the loss of a job or their high school sweetheart. And, in the months or years following, you’ll be going through your own Bridget Jones’ style sobfest (you remember that opening scene - tissues scattered across the floor wearing yesterday’s pants blaring Celine Dion!).
But, when your life goes up in flames because of a trying experience, it’s an opportunity to transform what feels like utter crap into something new and beautiful.
Get quiet.
Turn within and ask the introspective questions. Eventually, you’ll find that something amazing takes place.
You let go! And in that letting go, you’re no longer stuck where you were in the first place. Instead, the opportunity for growth materializes and you’ll find yourself feeling lighter and free.
Take a cue from Mother Nature - forest fires pave the way for new growth.
This time of change and renewal gives you the chance to reinvent yourself. To take that crucial yet terrifying leap into the unknown. Peel back another layer and become more of who you were meant to be.
And, yes!
The space you occupy can be the catalyst for your own reinvention and transformation.
This holds true for countless others who have implemented Feng Shui into their lives.
The bottom line is Feng Shui is a path of self-discovery.
A path of harmony, balance and healing. So, if you’re feeling like Dorothy, not knowing how to navigate that winding, yellow brick road ahead of you…know that you don’t have to do it alone.
Your Feng Shui Fairy Godmother is waiting. Wand in hand.