Boosting Prosperity with Feng Shui
Manifesting Techniques for a Joyful Holiday
By Lia Menna Gross
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During this busy holiday season, you’re probably finding yourself scampering around the house preparing for holiday festivities.
Commercials morph into mini Hallmark productions with their tear-inducing portrayals of what it means to be homesick and lonely around the holidays, contrasting the true spirit of the season. Yet, you may find yourself dreaming of being anywhere other than a festive, roundtable with family (and instead declare yourself a permanent resident at the kids’ table!).
In the hustle and bustle of daily life, gratitude and appreciation become endearing reminders of the simple yet profound joys that surround us.
They’re the cornerstones of manifesting using the ancient art of Feng Shui. And, key elements in living a more joyful and prosperous life.
Enhancing the Wealth gua
Gratitude and appreciation are associated with the Wealth gua.
Psst, download my free, printable Bagua map to find this space in your home!
Most people turn to the Wealth gua when working on building their nest egg or long-term retirement plan. This is where the practices of gratitude and appreciation come into play. It’s only by recognizing and acknowledging what we do have and being grateful for it that we’re able to activate the energy of monetary wealth and self-worth.
But, the Wealth gua isn’t just about monetary wealth - it’s about anything and everything that makes you feel wealthy! For me, a big part of that is family.
So, why not use this holiday season spent with loved ones as a time to cultivate more prosperity in your life?
Use these easy Feng Shui manifesting techniques for a boost in prosperity:
Keep a gratitude journal
Scientific research has proven the mind-blowing effects of practicing gratitude on our mental, physical and emotional well-being. These studies show that individuals who regularly express gratitude experience lower levels of stress, symptoms of depression and increased life satisfaction.
Gratitude causes the brain to release dopamine and serotonin, or those “feel good vibes”, which create a greater sense of happiness and contentment.
I began my gratitude practice in a small way. By using this daily gratitude journal I was able to restore my mind’s ability to recognize the simple pleasures of life by creating new neural pathways.
Spending time in the Wealth gua is the easiest way to enhance the energy of this space.
Taking one to five minutes each day to pause and write out what you’re grateful for while in this area of your home will spark the energy of gratitude in your life. I prefer writing out my daily doses of gratitude because it’s a way of connecting the feelings in your body with language. And, when you’re feeling unhooked from a sense of gratitude, you’ve got this journal to look back on.
Expressing Appreciation
After you’ve begun practicing gratitude, it’s time to take your practice outward.
Gratitude is an inner function - it brings us more in touch with how we’re feeling.
It’s an internal acknowledgement and expression for what it is we’re thankful for.
Appreciation is the outward function.
By recognizing and expressing our appreciation for others, we’re able to pass on all that good ch’i (or energy) we’ve acquired with our gratitude practice and pour it out to others.
From the author who brought us “The 5 Love Languages”, Gary Chapman, and co-author Paul White, we now have “The 5 Languages of Appreciation in the Workplace”. This book defines the five languages of appreciation as words of affirmation, quality time, acts of service, gifts and physical touch.
While it was written for the workplace, its application is just as necessary in our home environments. Creating inner gratitude and expressing outward appreciation can lead to a happier and more joyful life while opening our hearts in ways only the human spirit of thankfulness can.
Just as we declutter our homes - the Feng Shui way - the practice of expressing our appreciation stimulates our minds to declutter old perceptions of people we may still hold on to. We begin seeing our homes, and our loved ones, through a fresh set of eyes.
Have you ever noticed how differently you view a person during times of conflict versus moments of feeling gratitude and thanks towards them?
Intentional Living Spaces
Intentionality and purposefulness piece together a Feng Shui lifestyle. The use of intentionality in our living spaces further fuels our connection to our homes while inspiring positivity and enhancing well-being.
Intentionally aligning your home with the ancient wisdom of Feng Shui begins with letting go (join my One Week Decluttering Challenge to get a jumpstart on a holiday clean-out with purpose!).
Physical reminders can be incorporated into your living space to positively shift and uplift any area of your home. I have a particular piece by my front door. Its form reminds me of gratitude each time I see it - a reminder of how grateful I am to each person who passes the threshold of my home. This constant reminder continues a chain reaction of grateful thoughts and joy within my day-to-day life.
Gratitude is a powerful force that has the potential to shift every aspect of your life. Its ch’i enhancing benefits are a simple way to boost prosperity and overall well-being.